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Guest Reflections

Sign our guest book and share your reflections of the psychedlic music scene of the 60's and 70's.

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Posted:  September 09, 2011
Name:  Liam
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Man I love this station! From a fellow Voodoo Child!
Posted:  September 09, 2011
Name:  carmelo
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  This is really enjoyable. I remember many of these groups but not many of these songs. This music, particularly compared to just a few years earlier, is very different than what people had ever heard before.
Posted:  September 07, 2011
Name:  Ryan :O
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I L O V E Y O U
Posted:  September 07, 2011
Name:  Randall Benton
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I absolutely LOVE this site! Been listening for YEARS! I have been TURNED-ON to so much music I never even knew existed! I wondered why you don't have a few of my favorite psych songs ever on your playlist: A QUESTION OF TEMPERATURE by THE BALLOON FARM, YOU MUST BE A WITCH by THE LOLLIPOP SHOPPE, and WILL YOU BE STAYING AFTER SUNDAY by PEPPERMINT RAINBOW? ...
Posted:  September 06, 2011
Name:  Danilo
Where From:  Europe
Home Page:  www.final-lunacy.it
Reflections:  actually listening to great music here, even discovering some nice psych stuff!
Posted:  September 05, 2011
Name:  doc auchter
Where From:  United States
Posted:  September 05, 2011
Name:  daniel halvarson
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I absolutely love the trip psychedelic music takes me on while i listen. I become so imersed that I flow into another dimension of light and sound... Love you keep it coming!
Posted:  September 05, 2011
Name:  Roy A. Collier
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Born in 1959, I grew up listening to the sounds of the 60's and 70's.
Posted:  September 04, 2011
Name:  Mark
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  San Francisco. Great Station! Thank you for the hard work.
Posted:  September 03, 2011
Name:  pheru
Where From:  Asia
Reflections:  lovely collection!
Posted:  September 03, 2011
Name:  Handoko Atmo Sudiyarsana
Where From:  Asia
Home Page:  www.facebook.com/dokisauruz
Reflections:  i'm a musician lover, all '60s lover, and especially Psychedelic, i really love Psychedelic so very highly imaginative!!!
Posted:  September 03, 2011
Name:  daniel
Where From:  Europe
Posted:  September 01, 2011
Name:  Ernest
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Keep up the good music. Maybe you can contact Sirius XM and get this station on satellite.
Posted:  August 30, 2011
Name:  John Camara
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  a friend told me you've got the great CD from Dordrecht with unreleased Zipps song THE SINGER WAS STONED! could you play this song? thanks
Posted:  August 30, 2011
Name:  Stephan
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  I'm from Germany. Brilliant music, I love you for it.
Posted:  August 29, 2011
Name:  KateHate
Where From:  Asia
Posted:  August 26, 2011
Name:  Urs
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Hi, I am from Germany and I really love your station. This music totally fits the hot summer days :-) Keep on rocking Urs
Posted:  August 24, 2011
Name:  joe sedita
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  www.reverbnation.com/joesa
Reflections:  Best station ever! I have discovered so much music here-thanks and also love the old commercials!
Posted:  August 24, 2011
Name:  Ken
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Love this site!!!!!
Posted:  August 24, 2011
Name:  elmuerto
Where From:  South America
Reflections:  the very best radio of the world
Posted:  August 23, 2011
Name:  Ray Conklin
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I found this station and the first thing that I hear is "Take The Hand" by Nazz! ...and the "awesomeness" just keeps coming! Thank you.
Posted:  August 23, 2011
Name:  Mike
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  Fantastic selection of music! I still play stuff like this on a Saturday morning, brilliant.
Posted:  August 22, 2011
Name:  david tolley
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  yahoo
Reflections:  keep up the good work
Posted:  August 20, 2011
Name:  Chris Duffie
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Love TWOS. Listen whenever I can
Posted:  August 20, 2011
Name:  mike clapshaw
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  just what I was looking for.you have another fan88711
Posted:  August 18, 2011
Name:  al
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I thought I was the only one in the USA with a captain beefheart cd (trout mask replica).
Posted:  August 18, 2011
Name:  gianni
Where From:  Europe
Posted:  August 18, 2011
Name:  Luther Blue
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  www.lutherblue.com
Reflections:  Tuning in from the psychedelic center of the world - Detroit, Michigan, USA. Very nice.
Posted:  August 16, 2011
Name:  Jim Bailey
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  www.myspace.com/psychedelichazyskies
Reflections:  Hey, all. Please have a listen to Psychedelic Haze, the best of the worst of psychedelic-folk-rock-experimental music. www.myspace.com/psychedelichazyskies.com
Posted:  August 15, 2011
Name:  Michael Bucklin
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Good stuff. Couldn't get through work without you.
Posted:  August 14, 2011
Name:  yuri
Where From:  South America
Reflections:  this radio is really great.Keep tunning
Posted:  August 12, 2011
Name:  Craig T.
Where From: 
Reflections:  Very cool, a pleasure to trip to the oldies...
Posted:  August 11, 2011
Name:  Derek Landon
Where From:  Canada
Reflections:  I accentaly came across this web cast and I am totally hooked.I will try to donate as soon as finances allow. Thx
Posted:  August 11, 2011
Name:  Scott Schenk
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Love the cool music.
Posted:  August 11, 2011
Name:  Ace Carretero
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I've been listening to your station since 2008. I love your offerings and i prefer to listen to this station during my 8 hour shift over anything else offered. Thank you for exposing me to such amazing music.
Posted:  August 09, 2011
Name:  grampadav
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  What else can I say---COOL !
Posted:  August 08, 2011
Name:  Daniele
Where From:  South America
Reflections:  Fantastic!!!!! - from Brasil
Posted:  August 05, 2011
Name:  matthew hisbent
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  great great station!!! so much to like especially the early Steppenwolf.
Posted:  August 04, 2011
Name:  Medicine Man
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I just recently discovered Technicolor Web of Sound and now I listen to it all the time! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Since my lava lamp burned out I havn't had anything to do.
Posted:  August 01, 2011
Name:  Djoko Budiono
Where From:  Asia
Reflections:  I really like this kind of music and I finally found this radio.. great and please play Pink Floyd
Posted:  August 01, 2011
Name:  Chaz Maley
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  AWESOME playlist! Keep up the good work!
Posted:  August 01, 2011
Name:  Paul Robertson
Where From:  Canada
Reflections:  Great site. Maybe you can add two songs from The Strawbs, Autumn and Shine on Silver Sun.
Posted:  July 31, 2011
Name:  Jose Luis Morales
Where From:  South America
Reflections:  Simplemente excelente, el mejor rock!! Un abrazo desde Bogotá.
Posted:  July 31, 2011
Name:  AL
Where From:  Europe
Home Page:  www.societenimoisedetir.org
Reflections:  France: J'écoute votre radio tous les soirs. Nice music...
Posted:  July 30, 2011
Name:  Jeff Gower
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  One of my favorite web sites. Having grown up in the 60s and 70s and been an avid music explorer, I thought I'd heard most of the great less-known music from that time, but I always manage to hear new gems on Technicolor Web Of Sound! Thanks for the site and keep up the good work!!
Posted:  July 30, 2011
Name:  Mikey
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Thanks for playing such awesome music!
Posted:  July 29, 2011
Name:  meccarose
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Wonderful music!! Awesome!! Thank you!!
Posted:  July 27, 2011
Name:  David Peet
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I love this website and the music it plays. I hate new music and the only way to hear "new" is to hear some awesome old psychedelic stuff I havent heard yet!!
Posted:  July 26, 2011
Name:  starless
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  i love this song, and this station. i'm an xm subscriber for their deep tracks channel, but this is much better. thanks for keeping this genre alive.
Posted:  July 23, 2011
Name:  Dave Jones
Where From:  United Kingdom
Home Page:  www.daveandawn.co.uk
Reflections:  Brilliant. Truly brilliant. Though perhaps you have to be 60+ (like me) to truly appreciate everything - including how bad some of the stuff used to be, and how amazing most of it still is. Many thanks. Small donation given (starving children get priority). Please keep it up.
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