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Guest Reflections

Sign our guest book and share your reflections of the psychedlic music scene of the 60's and 70's.

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Posted:  October 25, 2010
Name:  deliano espindola
Where From:  South America
Reflections:  muito loca esta radio, the best.
Posted:  October 23, 2010
Name:  LynS
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Beautiful primordial psychedelic rock.This is my favorite station on the web.Keep it coming!
Posted:  October 20, 2010
Name:  Allan Molho
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  great, great music. i am listening to you via itunes while i do magazine production work on my computer. thanks for sharing your great knowledge and taste in music. allan
Posted:  October 20, 2010
Name:  Edimar
Where From:  South America
Home Page:  www.myspace.com/edimars
Reflections:  God bless The Byrds, Stones, Zeppelin, Zappa, Grateful Dead. Show always I will love these bands
Posted:  October 19, 2010
Name:  Mike
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I was born just as the psych scene was coming to an end but I really like this kind of music. It was a special window in time that could not be recreated except for maybe the Dukes of Stratosphear. Keep up the good job.
Posted:  October 19, 2010
Name:  Dave Wright
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Love your station. A guy that has a used vinyl store here in Texas turned me on to it. Keep on keeping on. :)
Posted:  October 19, 2010
Name:  d maples
Where From:  United States
Posted:  October 18, 2010
Name:  mike
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Nice Tunes. Wish i had some shrooms
Posted:  October 17, 2010
Name:  Deborah Whitcomb
Where From:  United States
Posted:  October 17, 2010
Name:  petulaclaque
Where From:  Central America
Posted:  October 16, 2010
Name:  Kyle K.
Where From:  Canada
Home Page:  www.youtube.com/rouch5000
Reflections:  i love the whole decade of the 60's, great site! i wish i could listen to it at work.
Posted:  October 14, 2010
Name:  Amy C
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  awesome station
Posted:  October 14, 2010
Name:  ttm
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  very good music
Posted:  October 14, 2010
Name:  Fawn
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Found your station by complete fluke on radiotime.com and listen to it around the house. Even though I was born in the 80's I love the era of the 60's; also love the news and commercials you play from the time. Keep up the awesome work and keep it rockin!
Posted:  October 13, 2010
Name:  vanuxem
Where From: 
Posted:  October 11, 2010
Name:  Vicki Higginsthis
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  this is vicki baby-rock on twos
Posted:  October 10, 2010
Name:  Nacho
Where From:  Europe
Home Page:  espumasonido.blogspot.com/
Reflections:  A twenty from Spain, really exploring new groups (for me) totally amazing. Cool work done.
Posted:  October 09, 2010
Name:  tobias de pleut
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  totally groovy, whoever you are
Posted:  October 09, 2010
Name:  Mike
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I just started listening to this station. great tunes!
Posted:  October 09, 2010
Name:  Wayne
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Been hoping for a station like this for some time now. Thanks for all your efforts!
Posted:  October 08, 2010
Name:  Robert
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  So nice... :)
Posted:  October 05, 2010
Name:  Vladimir
Where From:  Europe
Home Page:  twitter.com/metronaga
Reflections:  This radio is great!
Posted:  October 05, 2010
Name:  Doobie McDonald
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  www.facebook.com/doobiemcdonald
Reflections:  DIG THAT! My buddy turned me onto the iTunes station, which led me here! I have been listening nonstop for the past week now and intend to never turn it off. I also just posted a link to this website on my Facebook page for all my cosmicfiends...BAY-beh!
Posted:  October 05, 2010
Name:  Tobias
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Thanks for the music, keep up the good work !
Posted:  October 03, 2010
Name:  elizabeth macdonald
Where From:  United Kingdom
Posted:  October 01, 2010
Name:  stephen galik
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  great music
Posted:  October 01, 2010
Name:  Erwin Verdoorn
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Super station!
Posted:  September 26, 2010
Name:  Benjamin the Bus
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  My favorite radio station! Vrooooooooom!
Posted:  September 26, 2010
Name:  Maciej Kozak
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Very nice radio! Thanks.
Posted:  September 25, 2010
Name:  richard heiser
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  it's nice to hear a classic rock station that plays more then the same top 40 hits
Posted:  September 24, 2010
Name:  roundman
Where From:  United States
Posted:  September 23, 2010
Name:  jamie allen lindsey
Where From: 
Reflections:  COOL!!!!!!!!
Posted:  September 23, 2010
Name:  firat
Where From:  Europe
Posted:  September 21, 2010
Name:  Dan
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Always thought a site like this would be great for checking out this type of music..Thanks
Posted:  September 21, 2010
Name:  Steve Murray
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  New here, just checking it out. Good so far
Posted:  September 20, 2010
Name:  jeffery collins
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Wow, unique in itself, a truly hard to find type of station; This is for someone who has heard and lived a lot of music, and ready for something that is not played on other stations. I will let my buds know about this station. I am Impressed. Jeff Kokomo, Indiana
Posted:  September 20, 2010
Name:  LIBOS Agency 1985
Where From:  Central America
Home Page:  www.actiweb.es/libos
Reflections:  So stand your music... Are Amazing!!! Please never distroy your tech.
Posted:  September 17, 2010
Name:  Pierre
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  EXCELLENT !!!!! Just seems like if i was listenning to the radio in the 60's.....
Posted:  September 16, 2010
Name:  alan
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  Amazing was in my late teens during sixties. Real music at last. Thought I'd heard a lot but have obviously missed a lot. Fabulous Radio Station Great Music. Love the ads!
Posted:  September 15, 2010
Name:  hans green
Where From:  Europe
Posted:  September 14, 2010
Name:  Kym Fleming
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  Netzero
Reflections:  I was 15 during the "Summer of Love", and 17 the year of Woodstock. This was my music! I was a genuine Haight-Ashbury hippie, and lived in communes in Northern California. This music still sounds good to me.
Posted:  September 14, 2010
Name:  Mic Mason
Where From:  United States
Posted:  September 13, 2010
Name:  Eric
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  erickuns.com
Reflections:  Thoroughly enjoying this station. I've been listening for a couple weeks and haven't heard a single song twice yet. Great old 60's music and rare psychedelic songs I've never heard before. I'm reliving the 60's, though I was just a baby at the time.
Posted:  September 13, 2010
Name:  David Drury
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I am the guitarist who played on "PRE DAWN RETROSPECTIVE CHANT". My name was overlooked when the album credits were compiled and printed. Please say high to Steve for me. I have a copy of the LP. Dave
Posted:  September 12, 2010
Name:  Kenny
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Hello My name is Kenny and you have a very cool station here.It seems as though knowone has updated anything in a long time whats up with that man. Thanks. Kenny/60's
Posted:  September 12, 2010
Name:  Matey Boban
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  I love this site. Good music non-stop.
Posted:  September 11, 2010
Name:  jim
Where From:  Australia
Reflections:  this music shows us what many suspected - they were amazing times...beautiful, terible,spiritual - we who knew knew about that feeling - about something beyond this...
Posted:  September 09, 2010
Name:  dylan jones
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  i love this website
Posted:  September 09, 2010
Name:  john miller
Where From:  United States
Posted:  September 08, 2010
Name:  Lrslie Taylor
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Lived in the HaightAshbury so this station is a real treat for me!
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