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Guest Reflections

Sign our guest book and share your reflections of the psychedlic music scene of the 60's and 70's.

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Posted:  September 04, 2010
Name:  Kevin
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Love the station, the playlist always flows smooth and the music is awesome
Posted:  September 02, 2010
Name:  Alex
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  "Where are you from" should list outer space.......the rest is just swell.......keep rockin that boat
Posted:  September 01, 2010
Name:  Colin
Where From:  Canada
Reflections:  Haven't written in awhile. Despite what my email adress says (created when I was a younger kid), I am a HUGE fan of psychedleia. I just want it to be noted that it takes alot of work to put together a station as good as this. I want to thank all of the Techweb people for allowing many people to experience this great music. I have emailed the station with a list of a bunch of songs that could be added to add to this great playlist. Even though I am only 17 years old, I really do dig this stuff. I get asked all the time why I like music that is 40 years older than me, and I say "Because it's real." There is absolutley no better music out there. Keep up the great work TWOS!
Posted:  August 31, 2010
Name:  gourmetblend
Where From:  United States
Posted:  August 30, 2010
Name:  donald tessier
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  you guys should add " bold" to the playlist.they were on abc records. lullaby opus four.
Posted:  August 27, 2010
Name:  Rafael Carvajal
Where From:  South America
Reflections:  Congratulations!!!.. Your radio is terrific
Posted:  August 27, 2010
Name:  JC
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Love this site. Love the music. However, skip the stuff we can hear on the radio (Doors, Zep, Beatles) the more obscure and twisted the better. Oh, and love the retro commercials and PSA's
Posted:  August 27, 2010
Name:  Chrille the King
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Greetings from Sweden. This is the music for me, a 24 years old guy. All my friends hate psychedelic music but not me. Love it.
Posted:  August 21, 2010
Name:  fromenglandlate60's
Where From: 
Reflections:  Beautiful Man !these are the days - nice toons
Posted:  August 20, 2010
Name:  bert
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  I'd forgotten how completely amazing this radio station is! so so so good!
Posted:  August 19, 2010
Name:  Ade
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  Wonderful site especially the internet radio. Keep up the good work it brings back my college days.
Posted:  August 19, 2010
Name:  Jaime
Where From:  Europe
Posted:  August 17, 2010
Name:  JM@IKA
Where From: 
Home Page:  www.jmaika.com
Reflections:  This is the best radio station I've ever heard!
Posted:  August 15, 2010
Name:  art
Where From:  Canada
Reflections:  Far out man
Posted:  August 14, 2010
Name:  sharingcaring
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I often listen to this station, and have for several years. I marvel at how the playlist continues to grow bigger and better. Great work has gone into building this station. I thank you for preserving this musical heritage.
Posted:  August 14, 2010
Name:  PBMaxx
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Thanks for the flashbacks.
Posted:  August 13, 2010
Name:  Mumblin Stue
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Like I'm Leaving The Sixties?? Great Job...
Posted:  August 13, 2010
Name:  Hhhh
Where From: 
Posted:  August 12, 2010
Name:  Jeff
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  What a wonderful web!
Posted:  August 12, 2010
Name:  Patrick Owens
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I finally found the rock station I can relate to. AWESOME!!!!
Posted:  August 04, 2010
Name:  Shelby Salizar
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  17 years old and hooked on Psychedelic rock iv never felt so alive! I listen to nothing else and im proud thank you Technicolor for introducing me to even more great bands and artist, peace.
Posted:  August 03, 2010
Name:  Ade George
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  Great to find TWOS, brings back so many memories of college days at Saint Matthias Bristol. Great era, great music.
Posted:  August 02, 2010
Name:  Storm Cloud
Where From: 
Reflections:  Thanks for the Soul Food!
Posted:  August 01, 2010
Name:  L.A. Hightower
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  this is great stuff, thank you people
Posted:  July 31, 2010
Name:  aurelien
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Great radio ! the most beautiful radio on the web ! when in france ?
Posted:  July 31, 2010
Name:  Trannon Goble
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  STILL the greatest web radio on the planet!
Posted:  July 30, 2010
Name:  javier quintero nathalia cardona
Where From:  South America
Reflections:  nos maravillamos al escuchar los sonidos sicodelicos coloridos de la musica mas especial,inmortal,amada...i love rock and roll.que vivan los sesenta.y 1969.paz y amor
Posted:  July 29, 2010
Name:  Isaac
Where From:  Canada
Reflections:  This is great, thanks a lot.
Posted:  July 25, 2010
Name:  Patrick Sullivan
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  All Hippies Wecome, what a cool site!
Posted:  July 23, 2010
Name:  Alan
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Great tunes, Thanks! Finally someone realized that the well-known couple of hundred songs that everyone plays get BORING! Keep digging up and airing the great music that is new to most, and rare to the rest. You ROCK!
Posted:  July 23, 2010
Name:  ronnie price
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  great sound, great choice of songs,
Posted:  July 23, 2010
Name:  Chris
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Where are the Holy Modal Rounders?
Posted:  July 22, 2010
Name:  Ron Klatt
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Great, Great, GREAT!!!! Loving all the great tunes! I am a music enthusiast, and I don't know half of the Stuff on here! Haha! Anyway, may I suggest that you play "Julia Dream" by Pink Floyd? That is a great song! Keep pumpin' out the Doors and all the other classic music on here! Peace
Posted:  July 22, 2010
Name:  Paul
Where From:  United Kingdom
Home Page:  www.thekicksnet.co.uk
Reflections:  Can't believe you've got hold of Sad & Lonely by The Garden Odyssey Enterprise, my bands been covering the track for the last couple of years, its so obscure people assume its our own! Check out our version at www.thekicksnet.co.uk. Awesome playlist by the way, best radio station on the net by a long way!
Posted:  July 21, 2010
Name:  Samantha
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  dv-girl.deviantart.com/
Reflections:  Hey, just dropping you a line. Found your channel on iTunes Radio and have been listening to it while painting and working on art. Love it. :) -S
Posted:  July 19, 2010
Name:  Trevor T.
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Just wanted to say that I love the station. Best radio station I've ever listened to. Period. The Dude Abides
Posted:  July 19, 2010
Name:  david gABAY
Where From:  Middle East
Home Page:  www.myspace.com/ourconflict
Posted:  July 18, 2010
Name:  miret
Where From:  Europe
Home Page:  www.rock-board.com
Reflections:  Hi! It's still a pleasure to listen to your show! Thanks for that from Germany! miret www.the-den.de www.rock-board.com
Posted:  July 17, 2010
Name:  Diana
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Best radio station EVER.
Posted:  July 16, 2010
Name:  Whitey
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Tonight,here in San Jaun Capistrano,California,Eric Burden, is playing at the coachouse.Hey Eric,could you play,"Help Me Girl?" An awesome song that no Radio stations play anymore.
Posted:  July 16, 2010
Name:  Dennis Swanson
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  bandtreereunion.blogspot.com/
Reflections:  Always very grateful that our band Children of the Mushroom had been listed & played on this fabulous station!
Posted:  July 16, 2010
Name:  Asaf Beeri
Where From: 
Reflections:  Definitely the best radio station on the net... I really love you commercials, they're so quaint; and there's always something interesting to hear, without any repetition, almost. Thumbs up!
Posted:  July 15, 2010
Name:  tony wired
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  im well into this sort of music
Posted:  July 13, 2010
Name:  RAY
Where From:  Australia
Posted:  July 11, 2010
Name:  Harold Terrell
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I love this station because of the time period, but mostly because I have only heard about 5% of the music, so it is like the songs are brand new. Being born in 1955, I was just a bit behind this period. Keep up the good work!
Posted:  July 09, 2010
Name:  Dominik
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Oh man, i´ve been looking so long for such a well listening radio station. Its the perfekt start into the weekend. its my friday afternoon higlight. Wish you long life, may all gods bless you. Greetings from Germany
Posted:  July 08, 2010
Name:  Jorge Magalhães
Where From:  South America
Home Page:  jam barauna (orkut)
Reflections:  Wonderful! Love radio! Congratulations!!
Posted:  July 08, 2010
Name:  Gary M
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Groovy man, where's my old lava lamp?!!
Posted:  July 04, 2010
Name:  Francis T.
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  You Play some stuff I have NOT heard in 40 YEARS!
Posted:  June 29, 2010
Name:  JJ
Where From:  Europe
Home Page:  fadingyellow.tumblr.com/
Reflections:  >Great website, for how long has it been running? I´m the maker of the FADING YELLOW series, check out my web page.
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