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Guest Reflections

Sign our guest book and share your reflections of the psychedlic music scene of the 60's and 70's.

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Posted:  June 28, 2010
Name:  Jim Cramer
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Groooovy.
Posted:  June 26, 2010
Name:  David Rusk
Where From:  Canada
Reflections:  drunken nights to 6 in the morning burnting out and wakeing up with this station playing someone my age who never lived the 60s makeing some good memors this sation will be remberd for years on i listed to this basicly everyday since i was like 13 to 16 today and still plan on keep the tuneing to your station. what a station keep it up!!
Posted:  June 24, 2010
Name:  mike
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  sure nice hearing music from my generation-old school
Posted:  June 24, 2010
Name:  Chenault Baedeker
Where From:  Australia
Posted:  June 22, 2010
Name:  john
Where From:  Europe
Posted:  June 21, 2010
Name:  Alex
Where From:  Europe
Posted:  June 21, 2010
Name:  Ray
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  i'm living in a little town in switzerland where the only music is rain drops and busses honking lazy pedestrians and your wonderful music is doing so much good, it heals, cleanses, feeds, makes smile, it just feels good to be exposed to your radiation of goodnes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted:  June 20, 2010
Name:  Trannon Goble
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  www.facebook.com/trannon.goble
Reflections:  STILL The Greatest Online Station on the planet!
Posted:  June 16, 2010
Name:  bianca decio
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  the best web radio!!!!
Posted:  June 16, 2010
Name:  Varinnia
Where From:  Central America
Reflections:  Hi! I love your radio. It brings happiness to my mornings. Thank you for that, and for playing such amazing music online!!! keep up with the great work!!! peace&love.
Posted:  June 14, 2010
Name:  Luisa
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  love this station! listen to it all day :)
Posted:  June 13, 2010
Name:  Jason Falkner
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  You play absolutely the best selection of rarities from my favorite period of RNR. Thanks for digging deep! Jason Falkner LA CA
Posted:  June 11, 2010
Name:  Pamela Rochelle Woodworth
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  I dig it but, how do I get something cool on my screen with wm or you while playing tunes?
Posted:  June 11, 2010
Name:  dave
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  the best....as usual
Posted:  June 11, 2010
Name:  Brause
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  With every new song - a new WOW! Really great.
Posted:  June 11, 2010
Name:  Bill
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Great Stream! How about a T Shirt?
Posted:  June 10, 2010
Name:  KoolCJ.
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  great choice of music, Groovy..
Posted:  June 09, 2010
Name:  Jay
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  standingdesk.net
Reflections:  Great radio station! Really love it!
Posted:  June 08, 2010
Name:  lisa rivas
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  totally koolllllllll
Posted:  June 08, 2010
Name:  dave
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  dooooorrrrrsssssssssssssss
Posted:  June 07, 2010
Name:  dave
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  phenomenal more country joe plzzzzzz
Posted:  June 07, 2010
Name:  eric griffy
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Good stuff!!
Posted:  June 07, 2010
Name:  Roos
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Discovered your station today, I totally love it! =D Love from Holland.
Posted:  June 07, 2010
Name:  Keef
Where From:  South America
Home Page:  youtube/estriccion
Reflections:  Just arrived here when I was looking for The Seeds album, and let me tell you... Web of Sound radio it's what the doctor just orderded!! great selection of music, true nuggets from the era.cheers from Bogotá, Colombia.
Posted:  June 06, 2010
Name:  Darkstar
Where From:  United Kingdom
Reflections:  Great music, great ads. Brings back memories of the greatest youth movement ever. The only youth movement as far as I can see that was concerned with more than just fashion and self importance - we wanted to change the world for the better, and that is no bad thing. I am proud to say that I still subscribe to my hippie ideals and principles and I'm now approaching 60. Keep the good music coming! Peace and Love to all!
Posted:  June 05, 2010
Name:  Sergi
Where From:  Europe
Home Page:  aceroskaka.es.tl
Reflections:  good site, how long without hearing good site, how long without hearing it
Posted:  June 05, 2010
Name:  Colin
Where From:  United Kingdom
Posted:  June 04, 2010
Name:  Peter Quinn
Where From:  United Kingdom
Home Page:  www.peterquinnvoicetracks.com
Reflections:  Great idea for a radio station, love your mix. Peter
Posted:  June 04, 2010
Name:  David Smith
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Great music. Takes me back to a different time.
Posted:  June 04, 2010
Name:  nikolas
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  !!!
Posted:  June 03, 2010
Name:  Rebecca & Dewayne
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Long time listener -.- Thanks for keep the Door to our Minds open.....
Posted:  June 03, 2010
Name:  Mike sugarman
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  YO YO YO!!!!! I have been an avid listener for a long time! this is hands down the greatest gift to internet radio. I would love to hear back from the guy who runs it. Thank you. You sound like you pulled songs from my sugardelic mixes I make.....and I have learned about so many more obscure bands that have THE SOUND I love! Im 34 year old. I hope this site lives on for a LONG TIME
Posted:  June 02, 2010
Name:  Ivor
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  Nice music, brothers. i'm re-dropping into psychfreakness from Mod, the second time in 30 years. Peace and love, Ivor.
Posted:  June 02, 2010
Name:  m Preisen
Where From:  United States
Posted:  June 02, 2010
Name:  Einstone
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Up here in Southeast Alaska, enjoying the tunes gettin herbalized.......
Posted:  June 01, 2010
Name:  rick mccone
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  great station.gives me flashbacks!
Posted:  June 01, 2010
Name:  Norm
Where From:  Canada
Reflections:  Louis posted 28APR10 - Rhinoceros - agree, they would be a good addition. Also consider McKenna Mendelson, Mainline - Stink - even has a Christmas song on it - Don't Give Me No Goose for Christmas Grandma. I saw this band play at the Electric Circus - Toronto Ont. The CD is still available at Amazon.ca Great site and brings back fond memories of that time period. Thanks to my friend in the Dominican Republic for recommending it.
Posted:  May 29, 2010
Name:  Scott P.
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Grooooovy, baby!
Posted:  May 29, 2010
Name:  Raven Knightwing
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Way Cool, Farm Out, Very Groovesence and Just 2 Kewl man- Thanks friend.
Posted:  May 27, 2010
Name:  Peter Paglia
Where From:  United States
Posted:  May 24, 2010
Name:  kenny sibbett
Where From:  United States
Posted:  May 24, 2010
Name:  will
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  williamcontino.com
Reflections:  Always great to tune in.
Posted:  May 23, 2010
Name:  Russ Garrett
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  www.yardbirds.us
Reflections:  Just got back from a fantastic Yardbirds gig in Akron, Ohio and put your station on...You were playing 'Shapes Of Things'...Cosmic Man. lol
Posted:  May 22, 2010
Name:  PinkBunny
Where From:  Europe
Posted:  May 22, 2010
Name:  Dave Polley
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  Been there, done that (I Think).
Posted:  May 20, 2010
Name:  Bill Schroeder
Where From:  United States
Home Page:  www.cranetech.cc
Reflections:  This station rocks, perfect for home and office.
Posted:  May 20, 2010
Name:  Mikky
Where From:  Europe
Home Page:  www.myspace.com/warbirdrockarolla
Reflections:  peace :) groovy tunes here on the radio man, you made the perfect soundtrack for my dinner!
Posted:  May 17, 2010
Name:  keith livermore
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  It's been awhile since I've posted....I'm still tuning in, and the music just keeps getting better! Keep on playing the beautiful tunes!
Posted:  May 16, 2010
Name:  Kevin Duxbury
Where From:  United States
Reflections:  The best music ever was made in the late 60's - early 70's. Your website is great, especially the stories and information about the bands. I am a huge music collector of this time period, your website is a gold mine to me ! Thanks much. You need more Bubble Puppy, only a small complaint. Kevin Duxbury Sioux Falls, South Dakota Age 52.
Posted:  May 16, 2010
Name:  Marcel
Where From:  Europe
Reflections:  I love that sound! nothing will be ever better than the 60's! ~greetings from Switzerland to all~
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